HUMIC ACIDS are complex organic molecules formed by the breakdown of organic matter in the soil

They are not considered to be fertilizers per se, but soil enhancers and improvers.

HUMIC ACID biologically stimulates plant growth, chemically changes the fixation properties of soil and physically modifies the soil.



15600 New Century Drive. Gardena. CA 90248. U.S.A.

Phone (310) 515‑1700 Fax (310) 527‑5811



  1. Biologically stimulates the plant.
  2. Chemically changes the fixation properties of the soil, improving CEC.
  • Physically modifies the soil.


BIOLOGICAL BENEFITS                                                     CHEMICAL BENEFITS

  1. Stimulates plant enzymes                                                                          1. Increases buffering properties of soil
  2. Acts as an organic catalyst                                                                         2 Chelates metal ions under alkaline conditions
  3. Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable                                   3, Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential

      soil microorganisms as well as algae and yeasts.                                          to plant growth

  1. Increases root respiration and formation                                                 4, Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root
  2. Stimulates root growth, especially lengthwise                                                zones and releases them to plants when needed
  3. Increases the permeability of plant membranes;                                      5. Possesses extremely high ion‑exchange capacity

      promoting the uptake of nutrients                                                          6, Promotes the conversion of a number of elements into

  1. Increases vitamin content of plants                                                               forms available to plants
  2. Increases germination of seed and viability
  3. Stimulates plant growth by accelerating                                                   LITERATURE CITED

     cell division, increasing the rate of development in                                      1. Senn, T.L. and Kingman, A.R., 1973.

      the root systems, and increasing the yield of dry                                          A Review of Humus and Humic Acids.

      matter                                                                                                           Clemson University, Department of Horticulture,

                                                                                                                Research Series No. 145, March

PHYSICAL BENEFITS                                                        2.  Freeman, P.G., 1969.

1  Makes soil more friable or crumbly                                                           The Use of Lignite Products as Plant Growth Stimulants

  1. Improves soil workability.                                                                               Technology and Use of Lignite,
  2. Increases aeration of soil                                                                               IC Bureau of Mines Information Circular,
  3. Increases water holding capacity                                                              8471; 150‑153; 160; 162; 164.
  4. Improves seed bed                                                                                    3.  Burdick, E.M., 1965. Commercial Humates for
  5. Reduces soil erosion                                                                                       Agriculture and the Fertilizer Industry.

                                                                                                                            Economic Botany. Vol. 19, No.2: 152‑156.







12% Humic Acid




(Shake Well Before Using)


May be applied to soils in irrigation or sprinkler systems, or applied as a foliar spray.


FOLIAR SPRAY: Apply 1 to 4 quarts per acre (2‑9 liters/HA 450 to 900 liters) in sufficient water.


For full coverage spray, use 1 to 4 quarts in 50 to 100 gallons of water or 1 oz per 1,000 sq.ft. in 10 to 20 gallons of water. Stir or shake before using, add to tank when half full.


Compatible over full range of tank mix pH. We recommend buffering your spray tank pH in the range of pH 5.5 by adding 2 to 7 Lbs. Grow More 20‑20‑20 per 100 gallons of water.


USE 50 MESH SCREENS: Check compatibility with pesticides or liquid fertilizer before full scale tank mix.


SOIL APPLICATION: By itself use 2 to 10 quarts per acre in ground application equipment or sprinkler irrigation runs. Maybe used in direct seeded crops. It may also be used in combination with starter or pop‑up fertilizers, 2 to 3 quarts per acre.


Humic Acid           : 12 ‑ 14%

Fulvic Acid            : 2.1 ‑ 2.4%

Carbon                 : 5.4 ‑ 9.8%

Total Organics       : 15 ‑ 16%

Carboxyl Content : 2.4 MEQ per gram

(Total Acidity)

Cationic Exchange

Capacity               : 87‑104 MEQ per 100 grams



  • Nitrogen            0.175%       • Magnesium     0.10%
  • Phosphate        0.018%       • Sulfur              0.40%
  • Potassium        2.10%         • Iron                 0.15%



  • Stimulates plant enzymes
  • Increases root respiration & formation
  • Increases germination and viability of seed.
  • Stimulates root growth, especially lengthwise
  • Promotes the conversion of a number of elements into forms available to plants
  • Improves soil workability
  • Increases aeration of soil
  • Increases water holding capacity
  • Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and releases them to plants when needed, improving soil CEC.

                    Solubility 12% Humic Acid in tank mix containing

                           7 Lbs. 20‑20‑20 @a pH 5.5

 100% │───────────────────────►



                1                    8                                           20

     Number of quarts 12% Humic Acid in 100 gallon water

          1 quarts = 0.946 liter


Grow More’s 12% HUMIC ACID is a concentrated liquid extract derived from Leonardite ore. Weight is 9

Lbs./gallon (d=1.08), equivalent to 1.08 Lbs. Humic Acid per gallon.




Grow More’s 12% Humic Acid is compatible with most insecticides, herbicides, miticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers.

It may be incorporated into existing spray programs. Add Grow More’s 12% HUMIC ACID to the water prior to the

pesticides. Perform jar compatibility test prior to full‑scaled tank mixing when using previously untried combination.




Grow More’s 12% HUMIC ACID is compatible with 32 and 28% Nitrogen solution. Before adding to liquid fertilizer or

ammonium phosphate, dilute 1 part Grow More’s 12% HUMIC ACID with 1 to 2 parts water. Before using previously

untried combinations, perform jar compatibility test prior to full scale tank mixing.




For best absorption into plant, apply this product early morning or late evening. For aerial application, use at least 1

gallon of water for every pint of 12% HUMIC ACID applied to the crops.


Grow More’s 12% HUMIC ACID may be applied to, but applications are not limited to the following crops. Consult

your local farm adviser for information on sensitive varieties and hybrids:


Alfalfa                                     Carrots                       Grapes                       Olives                         Pomegranates             Spinach

Almonds                                  Celery                        Grass                         Onions                        Potatoes                     Strawberries

Apples                                     Cherries                     Hops                          Ornamentals                Pasture &                    Sugar Beets

Apricots                                   Citrus                         Lettuce                       Peaches                      Range Grass               Sugar Cane

Asparagus                                Corn                          Melons                        Pears                          Prunes                        Sweet Corn

Avocado                                  Cotton                        Milo                            Peas                           Rape                          Tomatoes

Barley                                     Cranberries                 Mint                            Peanuts                       Rice                           Turf Grass

Beans (all)                                Cucumbers                 Nectarines                  Pecans                        Safflower                    Walnuts

Boysenberries                          Figs                           Nursery Stock             Peppers                       Sorghum                     Watermelons

Broccoli                                   Garlic                         Oats                           Plums                         Soybeans                   Wheat

Brussels Sprouts




Unless stated differently on the following crops, apply 1 to 4 quarts per acre in 50 to 100 gallons of water (2.2 to 9

liters per hectare in 450 to 900 liters) for foliar sprays or 2 to 8 gallons per acre (18 to 23 liters per hectare) for soil application.




  Almonds ……………. Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or fertilizer.

                                  Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water for full coverage

                                  spray. Repeat at petal fall and cover spray at 1 to 4 quarts per acre (2.2 to 9 liters per hectare).


  Apples & …………… Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water

   Pears                      or fertilizer.

                                  Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water for full coverage

                                  spray. Repeat at petal fall for full coverage spray at 1 to 4 quarts per acre (2.2 to 9 liters per hectare).


   Apricots … ; ……… Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water

   Prunes                    or fertilizer.

   Nectarines              Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water. Repeat at petal

   Plums                      fall for full coverage spray at 1 to 4 quarts per acre (2.2 to 9 liters per hectare).

   Peaches                 CAUTION: Do not apply more than 2 quarts per acre (4.5 liters per hectare) to plums or sensitive vari­-

                                  eties for full coverage spray.


   Cherries ……………. Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or fertilizer.

                                       Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water for full coverage

                                       spray. Repeat at petal fall and cover spray.


   Citrus     …………….. Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or fertilizer.

                                     Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water for full coverage

                                     spray. Apply during Spring and Fall.



  Grapes ………………. Apply 2 to 6 quarts per acre (4.5 to 14 liters per hectare) before bloom as foliage or soil application. Add 1 to 3 pints

                                         per acre (1 to 3.5 liters per hectare) to each pesticide spray. For best results, apply 1 quart per acre (2.2 liters per

                                         hectare) near bud swell and 1 quart per acre when shoots are 4 to 6 inches long (10 to 15 cms).


  Pecans ………. … …. Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or fer­-

                                         tilizer. Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare).


  Other Fruit . …………….Soil: In early Spring, apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or  fer‑

& Nut Crops                      tilizer. Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare).






  Beans …………… ……Soil: Apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) with pesticide, irrigation water or fertilizer before the 4th


                                          Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water when beans are between

                                          the 2nd and 4th trifoliate stage. Apply 2 to 4 pints per acre (1.1 to 2.2 liters per hectare) with normal pesticide spray program.


  Corn…………………Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) to the foliage or soil. For best results, split applica­tion.

                                     Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) to the foliage or soil (band or side‑dress) with­ in 3 weeks of emergence                                                                                     .                                     and apply 1 to 3 pints per acre (1 to 3.5 liters per hectare) with each pesticide, apply prior to bloom.


  Cotton ………………Apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare). For best results, split application : Apply 1 to 2 quarts

                                    per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) to the soil (band or side‑dress) within 3 weeks of emergence and apply

                                   1 to 3 pints per acre (1 to 3.5 liters per hectare) with each pesticide, apply prior to bloom.


  Potatoes ……………Soil: Apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre (9 to 18 liters per hectare) at or near planting.

                                      Foliage: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with sufficient water for full coverage spray.

                                    Repeat application in 2 to 4 weeks.


  Rice …………………… Foliage: Apply 2 to 4 quarts per acre (4.5 to 9 liters per hectare) in sufficient water for full coverage. For best results,

                                      apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) with first pesticide application. Repeat prior to pollination.


  Small ………………….. Soil: Band or side‑dress or broadcast to 1‑8 quarts per acre (2.2 to 18 liters per hectare) at planting or within

   Grains                      2 weeks of emergence.

                                   Foliage: Apply 1 quart per acre (2.2 liters per hectare) with sufficient water. Apply within 30 days of planting and

                                   before flowering.


   Other Field & …. ……Apply 1 to 4 quarts (2.2 to 9 liters per hectare) to the foliage or soil. For best results, split application: Apply 1

    Vegetable               to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) to the foliage or soil (band or side‑dress) within 3 weeks of

    Crops                      emergence. Apply 1 to 3 pints per acre (1 to 3.5 liters per hectare) with each pesticide application prior to bloom.


  Ornamentals,……….. Soil: Apply 1 to 4 ounces per 100 sq. feet (30 to 120 ml per 100 sq. meters). Repeat application at fertiliza­

    Container‑grown,      tion or regular intervals.

    Tree Shrubs, Field       Foliage:   Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre (2.2 to 4.5 liters per hectare) as full coverage spray

     Nursery Stocks     .    



   Greenhouse ……….. Soil: Apply 1 to 3 ounces per 100 sq. feet (30 to 90 ml per 100 sq. meters) with fertilizer or drip irrigation at regular interval.


   Turf‑Grass…………. Apply 1 quart per acre (2.2 liters per hectare) or 1 to 2 ounces per 100 sq. feet (30 to 60 ml per 100 sq.

                                        meters). May be applied with liquid fertilizer, pesticide or water. Make first application in the Spring. Repeat as necessary.




Pivot, Sprinkler, …………       Apply 1 to 8 quarts per acre (2.2 to 18 liters per hectare) with irrigation water. May be applied with fertilizer

Overhead & Solid Set                 and/or pesticide before injection.




15600 New Century Drive Gardena CA 90248. U.S.A.

Phone (310) 515‑1 700 Fax (310) 527‑5811